Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bin Inn: dark horse of law carbon grocery shopping

On a recent trip out of Auckland I was susprised to find that Bin Inn still exists. I'm not sure why, but I've always had a thing for bulk bins. Maybe it's the ability to control the exact amount of product I buy that delights my perfectionist tendencies. Or maybe it's just the ability to see the product in its naked form, free from any packaging. Anyway, I had to investigate. The place is still a treasure trove. From hokey pokey muffin mix to exotic varieties of rice, my domestic goddess fantasies kicked into overdrive. And that was just the Thames branch. The also stock Ecostore products like dishwashing liquid and washing powder in bulk.

Bin Inn has yet to take full advantage of the potential eco-cred that comes with the ability to bring in your own reusable containers when you shop. According to their website, their philosophy is about paying for product, not packaging. The ability to control the quantities you buy means you are likely to waste less too. Goodbye excessive packaging, hello reusable containers and anal-retentive quantity control.

So why hasn't Bin Inn jumped on the eco-band wagon? Well, actually they have. They just haven't done a good job of letting us consumers know about it. Their website has a page about their environmental initiatives and why it is sustainable to shop there. Apparently they sponsored a couple's challenge to live a "waste free year". I reckon if Bin Inn undertook a publicity campaign based on their sustainable shopping philosophy, they could reinstate themselves into the public consciousness and dramatically increase their customer base. If only there was a store in Central Auckland...

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